Creating VR assessments is now even easier

Good news!

You told us you wanted creating assessments to be simpler. And we listened.

The latest version of eNetReality includes a charming little Quiz Wizard, we call Quizard, to help you on your way. Quizard will guide you through the steps for creating your assessments one at a time, making the process amazingly straightforward.

Quizard helps you to:

  • Create the look and feel you want
  • Add an extra dimension to the VR experience with text-to-speech
  • Easily add all your questions and answers
  • Tailor the responses and feedback
  • Create confirmation and results pages so learners get their results right away

All of your choices are then magically applied, helping you create the assessment you imagined, in a matter of seconds.

So now you know. Come check it out for yourself.

Already have an eNetReality Licence? – Great! This feature is ready for you right away.

Still to sign up? - Take the FREE 90-day trial, access all of the features of eNetReality and say hello to the easiest way to create immersive learning and assessment experiences.

eNetReality FREE 90-day trial

Take the FREE 90-day trial and experience immersive learning made easy.

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